Blog Archives

Open internship position in web quality assurance at Eckinox (2021 edition)

(This internship will take place in French. For more information, please refer to the French version of this post.)

As part of a collaboration with Eckinox, an agency specialized in web, design, video and marketing, the project consists of developing web applications and integrating into the development process an automated tool for testing graphical interfaces.

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The Best Reviewer Award for a LIF Professor

Professor Sylvain Hallé has received the 2020 Best Reviewer Award from the Journal of Software and Systems Modeling. This award recognizes his effort as one of the top 1% reviewers of the journal for the year 2020.

The Journal of Software and Systems Modeling,

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The Best Paper Award for a LIF Professor

Professor Sylvain Hallé, member of LIF, won the Best Paper Award at the 24th International IEEE EDOC Conference, which was held virtually in Eindhoven, the Netherlands last October.

His article, entitled Explainable Queries over Event Logs, describes a new technique for automatically explaining the result produced by a calculation applied to a sequence of events.

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Open internship position in web quality assurance at Eckinox

(This internship will take place in French. For more information, please refer to the French version of this post.)

As part of a collaboration with Eckinox, an agency specialized in web, design, video and marketing, the project consists of developing web applications and integrating into the development process an automated tool for testing graphical interfaces.

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Three LIF students participate to Women in Data Science

Three doctoral students from LIF, Asma Razgallah, Rania Taleb and Massiva Roudjane, participated in the first edition of the Women in Data Science conference in Saguenay, held on March 2nd, 2020. The event coincides with the annual conference “Global Women in Data Science (WiDS)”

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LIF becomes an Inria associate team

LIF researchers have obtained funding under the Inria Associate Team program in France. The Associate Team program aims to create and strengthen research collaborations between Inria components and international research teams.

First, Professors Sylvain Hallé and Raphaël Khoury received funding to start a sustained collaboration with Professor Yliès Falcone of Université Grenoble-Alpes.

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Funding for a project in collaboration with Industrial Alliance

Professors Raphaël Khoury and Sylvain Hallé, members of LIF, were awarded a grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) for a research project in collaboration with Industrial Alliance.

The project, focused on computer security, aims to develop techniques to detect vulnerabilities in a type of appliance called connected devices.

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Presentation by Sylvain Hallé at CRIM

Professor Sylvain Hallé, a member of LIF, will give a presentation at the Montreal Computer Research Center (CRIM), as part of his series Les événements du CRIM.

CRIM organizes events that cover a variety of topics for the Quebec IT community. These meetings,

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Two LIF professors start a collaboration with Ubisoft Saguenay

Professors Raphaël Khoury and Sylvain Hallé, both members of LIF, have started a research and development project with the newly established branch of Ubisoft in Saguenay. The six-month project, which involves the participation of faculty, graduate students and Ubisoft staff, is funded under the MITACS Accelerate program.

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Upcoming tutorial on BeepBeep at ICECCS 2019

A two-hour tutorial on BeepBeep will be part of the program of the 24th International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), which will be held in Hong Kong, next November. BeepBeep is an open source event stream processing library, which has been developed by members of LIF over the past couple of years,

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