Blog Archives

Open internship position in web development with Eckinox

(This internship will take place in French. For more information, please refer to the French version of this post.)

As part of a collaboration with Eckinox, an agency specialized in web, design, video and marketing, the project consists of developing web applications and integrating into the development process an automated tool for testing graphical interfaces.

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Professor Fábio Petrillo earns an NSERC Discovery Grant

Professor Fábio Petrillo, one of the members of LIF, has recently earned a research grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The Discovery Grants (DG) program supports a five year program of research within natural sciences and engineering. This highly competitive yearly competition is generally considered as one of the financial cornerstones of a professor’s research program.

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An NSERC research grant for Raphaël Khoury

Professor Raphaël Khoury, one of the members of LIF, has recently earned a research grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). This grant, under the NSERC Engage program, is focused on the use of blockchain technologies developed at LIF for “smart”

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Next lab seminar: security for the IoT

The next LIF seminar will take place on Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Benjamin Vignau, a master’s student in the laboratory, will retrace the major large-scale attacks against Internet of Things (IoT) devices of the last decade. The presentation is open to all computer science students as well as all cyber security buffs.

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A success for the pizza lunch with Industrial Alliance

On February 5, nearly thirty DIM students attended the first LIF Seminar, a meeting organized on the initiative of Industrial Alliance. Gabrielle Pilote, Olivier Carré and Antoine Wojczekhowski came to present the company profile, as well as the internship opportunities available to students in the Summer and Fall of 2019.

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Pizza Time with Industrielle Alliance

For its first public conference of the year, LIF welcomes the staff of Industrielle Alliance, who will come to Chicoutimi to talk about the various open interships for the Summer and Fall of 2019. This conference is open to everybody, but focuses in particular on students of the professional Masters’

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A new book on BeepBeep has just been published

The book entitled Event Stream Processing with BeepBeep 3 was recently published by the Presses de l’Université du Québec. This manual, written by LIF member Professor Sylvain Hallé, is an educational introduction to the concepts of event stream processing.

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MITACS funding for Fábio Petrillo

Pr. Fábio Petrillo, a faculty member of LIF, has just earned a grant from the Canadian organization MITACS though its Globalink program. The MITACS Globalink Research Internship is a competitive initiative for international undergraduates from Australia, Brazil, China, France, India, Germany, Mexico, Tunisia,

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Open internship position: Data mining applied to video game logs (LIF18-A3)

The Formal Computer Science Laboratory solicits high quality applications for a project to be carried out as part of the 8INF859 (Internship) or 8INF860 (Essay) courses of the Master’s degree in Computer Science, Professional Profile.

As part of a collaboration with Ubisoft Saguenay, the project consists of developing and using data mining algorithms applied to the execution logs from various sources.

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Mohamed Racem Boussaha earns his Master’s Degree

Mohamed Racem Boussaha, an M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prs. Raphaël Khoury and Sylvain Hallé, has successfully completed the final version of his Master’s thesis. Mohamed’s project involved the enforcement of security policies in Java programs using Complex Event Processing (CEP). Concretely, his work was to express various constraints on the execution of a program in order to prevent the insertion of malicious code;

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