Blog Archives

New technical report on BeepBeep

Professor Sylvain Hallé has just published a detailed technical report summarizing the works done at LIF on the field of Complex Event Processing.

Many problems in Computer Science can be framed as the computation of queries over sequences, or “streams” of data units called events.

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A new paper for two LIF students

LIF students Francis Guérin and Oussama Beroual have just learned that their research paper, titled “Searching for Behavioural Bugs with Stateful Test Oracles in Web Crawlers”, has been accepted at the 10th International Workshop on Search-Based Software Testing (SBST 2017). The workshop will be hosted as part of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) in Buenos Aires,

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The Best Paper Award for two LIF Professors

Prof. Sylvain Hallé and Raphaël Khoury, members of LIF, won the Best Paper Award at the 20th International IEEE EDOC Conference, held in Vienna last September. Their paper, titled Decentralized Enforcement of Artifact Lifecycles, was co-authored with Yliès Falcone and Antoine El-Hokayem from Université Grenoble-Alpes in France.

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Open Ph.D. position in Malware Detection (Fall 2016)

Detecting Malware through Execution Trace Monitoring

Laboratoire d’Informatique Formelle
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada

The Formal Computer Science Laboratory ( is seeking high-quality applications for a fully-funded PhD position in Malware Detection. Candidates should be highly self-motivated,

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A student from LIF finishes his Master’s thesis

Kun Xie, an M.Sc. student under the supervision of Pr. Sylvain Hallé, has just submitted the final version of his Master’s thesis. Among other things, Kun’s project involved the development and testing of a system allowing to send streams of data between computers through sequences of optical codes called QR codes.

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Now on Facebook

We’ve just opened LIF’s own Facebook page, which will contain updates about the lab’s activities! See us at

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Why are there so many bugs?

In a public conference given during UQAC’s Université populaire (popular university), Professor Sylvain Hallé explains in a humorous way the issue of bugs in computer systems. (The video is in French.)

This conference was given on May 27th, 2015 at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Pr.

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LIF is hiring: see the Fall 2015 video ad

LIF is looking for Master’s degree students to undertake an internship or an essay in one of its various research projects. View the video of Pr. Sylvain Hallé (in French) explaining some of the available projects!

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Open Ph.D. position in Malware Detection

Detecting Malware through Execution Trace Monitoring

Laboratoire d’Informatique Formelle
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Chicoutimi, Québec, Canada

The Formal Computer Science Laboratory ( is seeking high-quality applications for a fully-funded PhD position in Malware Detection. Candidates should be highly self-motivated,

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