Mohamed Racem Boussaha earns his Master’s Degree

Mohamed Racem Boussaha, an M.Sc. student under the supervision of Prs. Raphaël Khoury and Sylvain Hallé, has successfully completed the final version of his Master’s thesis. Mohamed’s project involved the enforcement of security policies in Java programs using Complex Event Processing (CEP). Concretely, his work was to express various constraints on the execution of a program in order to prevent the insertion of malicious code; to do so, Mohamed used BeepBeep, an event stream processing library that has been under development at LIF for many years.  Le projet de Mohamed impliquait l’application de politiques de sécurité dans les programmes Java au moyen du Complex Event Processing (CEP). Mohamed’s work has been published at an international conference called Foundations and Practice of Security, which was held in Nancy, France, in the Fall of 2017.

Congratulations Mohamed, and good luck in your future projects!


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