Blog Archives

Two open M.Sc. positions in evaluation of clinical skills through monitoring and analysis of logs (LIF25-M1)

The Formal Computing Laboratory at the University of Québec in Chicoutimi is seeking excellent M.Sc. candidates for two 2-year funded Masters project for the evaluation of clinical skills through monitoring and analysis of logs.

  • Start date: May 1, 2025 (or anytime sooner)

Project Description

The Charles-Bruneau Foundation is funding a project aimed at setting up an interactive digital training to improve practices for children with cancer and their families.

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Students wanted for several master’s and doctoral projects

LIF is looking for several students to work on fully-funded projects at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level.

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Open PhD Position in evaluation of clinical skills through monitoring and analysis of logs (LIF24-D2)

The Formal Computing Laboratory at the University of Québec in Chicoutimi is seeking excellent PhD candidates for a 3-year funded doctoral project for the evaluation of clinical skills through monitoring and analysis of logs.

  • Start date: May 1, 2024 (or later)

Project Description

The Charles-Bruneau Foundation is funding a project aimed at setting up an interactive digital training to improve practices for children with cancer and their families.

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The Best Reviewer Award for a LIF Professor

Professor Sylvain Hallé has received the 2020 Best Reviewer Award from the Journal of Software and Systems Modeling. This award recognizes his effort as one of the top 1% reviewers of the journal for the year 2020.

The Journal of Software and Systems Modeling,

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LIF becomes an Inria associate team

LIF researchers have obtained funding under the Inria Associate Team program in France. The Associate Team program aims to create and strengthen research collaborations between Inria components and international research teams.

First, Professors Sylvain Hallé and Raphaël Khoury received funding to start a sustained collaboration with Professor Yliès Falcone of Université Grenoble-Alpes.

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Cornipickle presented at WAQ 2018

The largest French-speaking digital event in North America – Web à Québec – was presented from April 10 to 12 in Quebec City, Canada. Some 1,500 participants gathered at this 8th edition, where the head of UQAC’s formal computer lab (LIF), Sylvain Hallé, also took part as a speaker.

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The Best Paper Award for two LIF Professors

Prof. Sylvain Hallé and Raphaël Khoury, members of LIF, won the Best Paper Award at the 20th International IEEE EDOC Conference, held in Vienna last September. Their paper, titled Decentralized Enforcement of Artifact Lifecycles, was co-authored with Yliès Falcone and Antoine El-Hokayem from Université Grenoble-Alpes in France.

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Now on Facebook

We’ve just opened LIF’s own Facebook page, which will contain updates about the lab’s activities! See us at

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