Blog Archives

Open internship position in web quality assurance at Eckinox (2021 edition)

(This internship will take place in French. For more information, please refer to the French version of this post.)

As part of a collaboration with Eckinox, an agency specialized in web, design, video and marketing, the project consists of developing web applications and integrating into the development process an automated tool for testing graphical interfaces.

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Open internship position in web quality assurance at Eckinox

(This internship will take place in French. For more information, please refer to the French version of this post.)

As part of a collaboration with Eckinox, an agency specialized in web, design, video and marketing, the project consists of developing web applications and integrating into the development process an automated tool for testing graphical interfaces.

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Jérémy Spieldenner completes an intervention project

Jérémy Spieldenner, a master’s student under the supervision of Pr. Sylvain Hallé, has just completed a six-month intervention project at Eckinox Media.

This activity aims at allowing a student to integrate the knowledge acquired in the courses of the program with the realization of a development project inside a company.

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