Monthly Archives: May 2019

Open internship position in web development with Eckinox

(This internship will take place in French. For more information, please refer to the French version of this post.)

As part of a collaboration with Eckinox, an agency specialized in web, design, video and marketing, the project consists of developing web applications and integrating into the development process an automated tool for testing graphical interfaces.

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Professor Fábio Petrillo earns an NSERC Discovery Grant

Professor Fábio Petrillo, one of the members of LIF, has recently earned a research grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). The Discovery Grants (DG) program supports a five year program of research within natural sciences and engineering. This highly competitive yearly competition is generally considered as one of the financial cornerstones of a professor’s research program.

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